Inviting suggestions for changes in the existing guidelines on Cadre Review
G.I., Dept. of Pers. & Trg., O.M.No.1-11019/17/2013-CRD, 20.04.2015
Subject: Inviting suggestions for changes in the existing guidelines on Cadre Review.
The Instructions and the Monograph on Cadre Review were last revised in 2010 and since then cadre review of 11 services have been completed and 16 proposals of cadre review are in various stages of consideration.
2. Certain changes are being proposed in the existing guidelines to make the Cadre Review exercise more scientific and comprehensive. Therefore all the Cadre Controlling Authorities are requested to send their suggestions on the existing guidelines and procedures to the undersigned on email id by 1st May 2015.
3. In this regard a presentation dated 19th December on “Reforming Personnel Management in Gujarat” by Shri Dhananjay Dwivedi, Secretary (Services, ARTD, NRI), Government of Gujarat ( is being uploaded for information. This presentation has the details of many new initiatives of the Government of Gujarat including the details of restructuring and recruitment calendar (slide number 16-47). The link is
(Mona Singh)
Dir (CRD)
Click to view the original order
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