Godavari Pushkaram Special Trains between Visakhapatnam- Nidadavolu-Visakhapatnam – South central Railway
SCR to run 14 more Godavari Pushkaram Special Trains between Visakhapatnam- Nidadavolu-Visakhapatnam
In order to clear extra rush of Passengers during Godavari Pushkaram 2015, SCR will run fourteen more Special trains between Visakhapatnam- Nidadavolu-Visakhapatnam as detailed below.
I)Visakhapatnam-Nidadavolu-Visakhapatnam Special Trains (4 Services)
Train No. 01839 Visakhapatnam- Nidadavolu Special Train will depart Visakhapatnam at 09:45 hrs on 18thand 19th July, 2015 and arrive Nidadavolu at 15:25 hrs on the same day.
In the opposite direction Train No. 01840 Nidadavolu – Visakhapatnam Special train will depart Nidadavolu at 16:30 hrs on 18th July and 19th July 2015 and arrive Visakhapatnam at 22:30 hrs on the same day.
These trains will consist of ten General Second class coaches and two Second Class Luggage Cum Brake Van coaches.
II)Visakhapatnam-Nidadavolu-Visakhapatnam Special Trains (10 Services)
Train No. 01835 Visakhapatnam- Nidadavolu Special Train will depart Visakhapatnam at 05:30 hrs from 20th to 24th July, 2015 and arrive Nidadavolu at 10:15 hrs on the same day.
In the opposite direction Train No. 01836 Nidadavolu – Visakhapatnam Special train will depart Nidadavolu at 10:45 hrs from 20th to and 24th July, 2015 and arrive Visakhapatnam at 16:30 hrs on the same day.
These trains will consist of nine General Second class coaches, nine General Second Class Chair car and two Second Class Luggage Cum Brake Van coaches. Enroute, these four Special trains will stop at Duvvada, Anakapalle, Narsingapalli, Yellamanchili, Narsipatnam Road, Tuni, Annavaram, Pithapuram, Samalkot, Anaparthi, Dwarapudi, Kadiyam, Rajahmundry, Godavari and Kovvur in both directions.
Passengers also check on enquiry Railway Help Line