Re energizing Mail operations and deliver D.O letter from Sri Salimhaque Director Genral (Post) to all Heads of the Circle
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 13 Nov, 2019
DO No. 30-52/2014-D (Vol II)
I am writing to you on the issue of re-energizing the mail operations and delivery which form the nucleus of the existence of the Department of Posts.
2. We all are aware, the Department of Posts is primarily recognized for its mail related functions. Our focus, therefore should be on improving the core areas of Postal Operations, which incidentally also contribute a sizeable amount of annual revenue to the Department i.e. more than Rs. 4000 crore. All Regional and Divisional Heads, ASPOs/IPOs/PRIs,Sorting Postman, Mail Overseers, Postman and GDS should therefore be sensitized towards improving the efficiency of mail operations and delivery.
3. We also know what is required to be done for improving the mail operations and delivery but unfortunately enough attention is not being paid towards expediting mail processing and delivery. Well laid down procedures are not being followed and finer details of operations are being overlooked. Accumulation / transfer of mail and delay in processing and delivery no longer spur us into taking immediate corrective steps. Late running of MMS schedules have been accepted as a norm. Unregistered ordinary mail remain unsorted and undelivered for days together without any effort to prioritize this segment. Checking of quality of sorting both in Mail and Post offices have been abandoned. Visits to mail offices late in the night and delivery offices in the morning by senior officers have became a rarity. No wonder, we need to take an immediate stock of the situation and put in place effective measures to restore accountability and responsibility in the system. With the implementation of CSI in mail offices and TMOs an availability of many Bl tools, we are now in a much better position to make effective intervention in the entire chain of mail operations and delivery so as to improve our performance. All we need to do is to bring back the focus on mail operations.
4. The cardinal rule of “Delivery on the Day of Receipt’ should be followed for each category of mail i.e. Unregistered / ordinary, Registered / Speed Post / Parcels and should not be violated on any given day. Pendency in mail offices /NSHs/CRCs and in delivery Post Offices should be viewed as a serious breach and all concerned should be made accountable for that. Unless we raise our bar and act with alacrity we will not be able to achieve excellence in mail operations. This can be achieved by following the basics of mail operations and persisting with it on a day to day basis. Needless to emphasize that Mail Operations and Delivery require daily monitoring and nurturing.
5. As a step in that direction, I want to highlight certain areas of mail operations which require immediate attention of Circles/Regions/Divisions and Post Offices. Details which are only indicative, are annexed. Please ensure that each of these instructions are meticulously followed and implemented within the stipulated time frame. A Circle team formed exclusively for this purpose should monitor the progress of implementation and provide necessary support to the field units. Workshops should be organised at Divisional Headquarters to make them aware of the importance and urgency of improving mail operations and delivery. For any clarifications on these issues Mail Division in the Directorate may be contacted.
6. I am sure with the renewed effort and focus back on mail operations under your able leadership, we will be able to take mail operations to a new height of excellence and in the process also increase its contribution to the overall revenue earning of the Department.
Please send your status report on or before 30th November, 2019. I also welcome your suggestion and views in this regard.
Best Wishes,
Yours Sincerely,
(Salim Hague)
1. All Letter Boxes attached to Departmental offices to be brought under Nanyatha App. and to ensure that LB opening is done through the App. Mail Branch in the Divisional office to monitor the working of Nanyatha App. (Target completion Date 30th Nov, 2019)
2. Receipt of Mail in time in delivery offices and punctual attendance of delivery staff and mail PA should become a norm. (Immediate Action)
3. Receipt of mail in delivery offices should be aligned with postman reporting time. (Immediate Action)
4. Delivery in all beats in Departmental Post Offices (including GDS beats / others) should be through PMA App. Circle/Regional/Divisional offices to monitor the working of PMA. The goal should be to deliver all accountable mail through PMA. (Target completion Date 30th Nov, 2019)
5. PMA to be downloaded in all smart phones provided by IPPB and delivery of all accountable mail in BOs to be ensured through the App. (Target completion Date 30th Nov, 2019)
6. Barcoded Labels to be used for all unregistered bags closed/received in mail offices. (Target completion Date 30th Nov, 2019)
7. NSH/CRCs should ensure that bag and article abstract tally on a day to day basis. CSI has the provision for abstract tally. (To be started immediately and monitored on a day to day basis.)
8. Daily monitoring of transfer of mail/bags in NSH/CRC/mail offices is a must. Adequate manpower to be deployed to ensure expedited processing and despatch of mail from Mail offices/NSHs/CRCs. Under no circumstance should mail (Speed Post / Registered / Ordinary) be allowed to accumulate. (Immediate Action)
9. Night visits to Mail Offices / NSH / CRC by the Chief PMsG / PMsG / Directors / Divisional / Sub Divisional Heads at least twice a week to ensure that there is no pendency for sorting. Visits should be meaningful and effective and followed with constant monitoring of actions initiated. Due record of VR should be maintained. (Immediate Action)
10. Visit to delivery post offices at the time of mail receipt by Chief PMsG / PMsG / Directors / Divisional Heads / Sub Divisional Heads at least twice a week to ensure that all items of mail received on the day are quickly processed and sent out for delivery. (Immediate Action)
11. Clear stamping of letters both at the place of posting and delivery need to be insisted upon in every Post Office. (Immediate Action)
12. Paid Test Letters should be posted from all Circles / Regions / Divisions and Sub Divisions within and outside the Circle and results should be analysed for taking remedial action. Due record of test letters be maintained. (Immediate Action)
13. Route Lists and beat maps of the Postmen beats should be updated. (Target completion Date 30lh Nov, 2019)
14. Test check should be performed for Speed Post / Regd. Letters and Parcels on the tracking system to ensure delivery has been done on the day as mentioned in the tracking report. This is necessary to check the cases where some delivery staff deliver late but update the delivery status on the system for an earlier date.
15. All Postmen to be involved in sorting work at the time of bag opening so that maximum articles are sorted from the opening table itself. This should become a daily routine. Aadhaar cards, Greeting cards, marriage invitation caras etc. should be picked up from the sorting table itself and their delivery expedited. (Immediate Action)
16. To begin with, establishment review of all delivery beats of Head Post Offices should be completed by 15th December 2019. Establishment review of rest of the post offices should be completed by 31st December 2019.
17. Bl Tools to be used for ascertaining the delay in various legs of transit and to take immediate corrective measures.
18. Review of the mail arrangements and use of the most advantageous mode of transport surface / Air.
19. The posts of PRI (P) should be filled up and they be effectively used for checking the quality of sorting and postmen beats as per defined work on a daily basis. (Immediate Action)
20. Computers, Barcode Scanners, Printers, UPS and Inverters in mail offices and post offices should be kept in working condition and adequate availability of bag labels and barcodes should be ensured at all times, so that work is not disrupted. (Immediate Action)