Contact tracing-Format for providing details of Official tested COVID positive and those to be Quarantined-Railway Board
Office Order No. 46 of 2020
Ref: Office Order No. 39 & 45 of 2020
Sub:- Contact tracing-Format for providing details of Official tested COVID positive and those to be Quarantined.
In partial modification to Office order No. 39 and 45 of 2020 regarding list of Officials who have come in contact with COVID-19 Officials in Board’s Office, it has now been decided to indicate complete residential address including PIN Code of the Official found COVID Positive and of all those who came in direct contact and are to be send on quarantine in the format enclosed.
(B Majumdar) Joint
Secretary/Railway Board
All Officers and Branches in Board’s Office, at Metro Station Building, Pragati Maidan & Dayabasti,New Delhi
Format for sending the list of Officials requiring self isolation (home quarantine) on account of having coming in contact with COVID-19 positve official while working in Board’s Office.
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