Grant Special leave for Covid-19 positive officials and home quarantine officials -SG FNPO Letter to the Chairman Postal Services board
As this is Covid-19 Pandemic situation and officials are forced to go on leave due to the infections contracted during the course of the employment the Federation opines that the officials are eligible for special leave for this special situation
Federation of National Postal Organisations (FNPO)
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-110001 Phone : 011-23321378
Camp at: LSG PA Bavanagudi, HO. Bangalore -560004
Email: Web : Mob : 9448061962, 94814 22464
Secretary General
B. Shivakumar
Dated. 14/10/2020
Shrl.Pradlpta Kumar Bisol
Secretary & Chairman,
Postal Services Board,
New Delhi-110001.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Regarding special leave for covld-19 positive officials and Home quarantine officials -reg.
The department so far has not issued orders regarding the type of leave that can be granted to the officials who have been tested Covid-19 positive and the officials who are primary contacts compulsorily sent on home quarantine.
The pandemic has created panic and even in these extraordinary and critical conditions the officials have rendered yeoman service. Postal service is being the essential service, the staff putting their lives at risk rendered service which has won accolades from all the quarters. During this course of employment huge number of officials was tested Covid-19 positive, many succumbed to the pandemic. Many officials were sent on home quarantine because of primary contact with the Covid- 19 positive patients. Thus, many officials were forced and are being forced to go on leave.
As this is a special situation and officials are forced to go on leave due to the infections contracted during the course of the employment the Federation opines that the officials are eligible for special leave for this special situation. As there is no specific order from your office the leave sanctioning authorities compelling the officials to apply their own leave. It is to bring to your notice that many officials, newly appointed officials etc. may not have the leave in their credit. In such cases the officials have to go on leave with out pay.
The Federation therefore requests to cause immediate action to issue specific orders of special leave for this pandemic period considering the service rendered by the Postal staff during this period.
A line in reply on the subject is highly solicited.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely
B. Shivakumar
Secretary General
Source: FNPO