Economy in expenditure.
G.I., M.F., O.M. No. F. 7 (44)-E. (Co-ord.)/90, dated 30-11-990 read with O.M. No.1 (17)-E. (Co-ord.)94, dated 7-4-1994, O.M. No.7 (5) E- (Co-ord.)/98, dated. 12-6-1998 and O.M. No.7 (2) E. (Co-ord.)/03, dated 25-3-2004.
Sub:- Economy in expenditure.
In order to contain the budgetary deficit, it has been decided to take the following measures with immediate effect:-
(a) It has been decided to fix a limit of Rs. 150 (Rupees one hundred and fifty) per head for serving refreshments in lunch time to the participants attending the inter-departmental meetings, workshops, seminars, etc., which start in the forenoon and continue beyond lunch. time. The Financial Advisers are requested to adhere to the prescribed ceiling strictly and wherever it becomes necessary to seek relaxation, proposals should be forwarded well in time for consideration of this Department.
(b) The practice of holding meetings, conferences, etc., at hotels is to be discontinued forthwith. (c) The meetings and conferences to be held ate-headquarters may invariably be so arranged as to minimize the expenditure on participation and travel.
(d) Expenditure on telephones may be reduced by 10% with reference to the average for the period September-November, 1990.
(e) Expenditure on consumption of electricity may be reduced by 10% of all offices and public buildings with reference to the consumption during the corresponding month of the previous year. All ostentatious mid decorative lighting may be stopped.
(f) The instructions contained in this Ministry’s O.M. No. F. 3 (3)-E. II (A)/90, dated the 27th June, 1990, 22nd August, 1990 and 24th August, 1990, regarding 20% reduction in the consumption of petrol and diesel, etc., may be strictly enforced.
2. All Ministries/Departments may also ensure adherence to these economy measures in their Attached/Subordinate offices, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous and Statutory Bodies whether wholly or partially funded by Government.
3. These instructions issue with the approval of Finance Minister.