Defence Pension Handbook for Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBORs) and Commissioned Officers (ICOs) PDF Download
New Pension Code came into force w.e.f 01.06.1953 vide A.I 1/S/53. Since then tremendous changes have taken place in pensionary awards of the Armed Forces Personnel and their families due to the recommendations of the successive Central Pay Commissions. These changes are scattered over a number of Govt. letters, memoranda etc. issued from time to time.
2. A need was, therefore, felt to review and update. The same with reference to latest Govt. letters, ruling and clarifications issued over a past these years and to summaries them in a precise manners.
3. Keeping the above facts in view, the efforts have been made to put the important changes made upto 12/2020 in fundamental principles in pension structure of various kinds of pensionary awards precisely in the form of a Hand Book.
4. I, hope, this Hand Book will be a useful guide to all the dealing staff and officers of this office who are employed on the sanction of various kinds of pensionary awards in their day to day working.
5. For facility, a few illustrations based on the Seventh CPC are given showing calculation of pension.
6. Appendices showing changes in rates of the pension etc. with relevant authority have also been given. The Govt. letters mentioned in the Hand Book have also been listed with Group Order No. for necessary check as and when required.
7. The Hand Book has been prepared separately for PBORs and Commissioned Officers.
8. Any suggestion to improve this Hand Book would be gratefully acknowledged.
Rajiv Ranjan, IDAS
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(Pension)
READ ALSO: 7th CPC Defence Pay Matrix Table
Hand Book Defence Pension for PBOR
1. Qualifying service for earning Service Pension
2. Condonation of deficiency in service
3. Determination of amount of service pension
4. Reckonable emoluments for calculating service pension
5. Retirement gratuity
6. Reckonable emoluments for calculating Retirement Gratuity
7. Commutation of pension
8. Calculation of commuted value of pension
9. Restoration of commutation portion
10. Disability pension
11. Categorization of disability
12. Procedure for adjudication of entitlement of disability
13. Disability pension on invalidment
14. Broad-banding of Disability
15. Disability element on retirement/discharge
16. Rates of Disability Element for period w.e.f. 1.1.1996 to 1..2006
17. Lump sum compensation in lieu of disability element
18. Invalid Pension
19. Invalid Gratuity
20. War injury pension on invalidment
21. War injury pension on retention
22. Lump sum compensation in lien of war injury pension
23. War injury element on subsequent retirement
24. Liberalized Disability pension
25. Ex-gratia lump sum compensation in cases of invalidment
26. Broad-banding of percentage of disability/war injury on discharge w.e.f. 01.01.2016
27. Constant Attendance allowance
28. Rate of constant attendance allowance
29. Special pension to blind soldiers
30. Rate of special pension to blind soldiers
31. Appeals
32. Ordinary family pension
33. Eli2ible member for ordinary family pension
34. Ordinary family pension in case of missing personnel /pensioners
35. Pending enquiry award
36. Special family pension
37. Eligible members for special family pension in absence of nomination
38. Rates of special family pension
39. Second life award
40. Special family pension on remarriage of a widow
41. Liberalized family pension
42. Liberalized family pension on remarriage of a widow
43. Ex- gratia lump sum compensation who die in harness
44. Death Gratuity
45. Monetary allowance attached to gallantry decorations
46. Grant of family pension under the Employees pension scheme, 1995 and family pension scheme, 1971 in addition to a family pension from Military side
47. Illustrations
48. Appendix – 1 : Evolution of pensionary structure of PBOR prior to 01.06.53.
49. Appendix – 2 : Effective dates from which pension in respect of JCOs/ NCOs/ ORs/ NCs(e) of Regular Army revised
50. Appendix – 3 : Effective dates from which pension in respect of JCOs/ORs of DSC revised
51. Appendix – 4 : Effective dates from which pension in respect of Hony. Commissioned Officer (Regular Army) revision
52. Appendix – 5 : Effective dates from which pension in respect of Hony. Commissioned Officer DSC revised
53. Appendix – 6 : The rates of disability element for 100% disablement sanctioned from time to times for different ranks prior to 01.01.1996.
54. Appendix – 7 : The rates of special family pension admissible form time to time
55. Appendix – 8 : The rates of ordinary family pension admissible prior to 01.01.96.
56. Appendix – 9 : Rates of Monetary Allowances attached to post independence Gallantry decorations
57. Appendix – 10 : List of Govt. letters referred to in the hand book with group order no. under which reproduced