Reduction in CentralGovernmentnon-PlanExpenditure
G.I., M.F., O.M. No. F. 7 (18)-E. (Co-ord.)/79, dated 13-9-1979
Sub.:-Reduction in CentralGovernmentnon-PlanExpenditure
The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department’s O.M. No. F. 7 (18)-E. (Co-ord)/ 79, dated the 7th September, 1979, an the subject cited above, which spells out further measures of economy to be observed by all Ministries I Departments, and the attached and subordinate offices of the Government of India. The D.G., B.P.E., has been requested to consider issuing suitable instructions to Public Sector Undertakings also. In order to create a proper climate of austerity, the Ministries /Departments should also bring the economy instructions contained in the O.M., dated the 7th September, 1979, to the notice of the Autonomous Bodies. The Financial Advisers could determine the fields in which economy could be effected.