Andhra Pradesh Transport Employees Pay Commission
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Pay Revision Commission-Issue of Press Note relating to referring the matter of study of the pay structure and other service matter of Public Transport Department employees (formerly APSTRC) to the 11th Pay Revision Commission for its recommendations.
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Secretary to Pay Revision Commission
Room No. 292, First Floor,
Second Building, A.P. Secretariat,
Velagapudi, AMARAVAT -522 238
Phone: 0863-2442552, Cell: 9010011138
D.O. letter No.PRC-IV/4/2020
Dated: 18th March, 2020
Dear Sir,
Sub:- Pay Revision Commission – Issue of Press Note relating to referring the matter of study of the pay structure and other service matter of Public Transport Department employees (formerly APSTRC) to the 11th Pay Revision Commission for its recommendations – Reg.
Ref:- 1. G.O.Ms.No.75, General Administration (SC.A) Department, dated 28.05.2018
2. G.O. Rt. .No.566, General Administration (SC.A) Department, dated 17.03.2020
I enclose two copies of Press Note relating to referring the matter of study of the pay structure and other service matter of Public Transport Department employees (formerly APSTRC) to the 11th Pay Revision Commission for its recommendations. I request you to kindly arrange to get it published by giving wide publicity in all the newspapers in English and Telugu which are in circulation throughout the State as well as in the electronic media at the earliest.
Encl: Two copies of press Note.
Yours sincerely,
Secretary to Pay Revision Commission
Sri T. Vijay Kumar Reddy, , I.I.S,
Commissioner, Information and Public Relations Department
and Ex Officio Secretary to Government, General Administration Department
NTR Administrative Building, APSRTC,
The Government of Andhra Pradesh constituted the 11th Pay Revision Commission in G.O.Ms.No.75, General Administration (SC-A) Department, Dated: 28-05-2018. In G.O. Rt. No. 566, General Administration (SC-A) Department, Dated: 17-03-2020 orders have been issued referring the matter of study of the pay structure and other service matter of Public Transport Department employees (formerly APSTRC) to the 11th Pay Revision Commission for its recommendations.
2. The detailed terms of reference of the Commission in the above respect are as under :
(a) To evolve the principles which may govern the structure of emoluments and the conditions of service of various categories of employees of Public Transport department which have a financial bearing taking into account the total packet of benefits available to them and suggest changes therein which may be desirable and feasible;
(b) To examine as to what extent the existing DA may be merged in pay and, to evolve consequent new set of pay scales merging DA therein and to suggest the mode of fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales.
(c) To study the Automatic Advancement Scheme as modified from time to time keeping in view the anomalies that have arisen during the implementation of the said scheme and also to examine whether the said scheme should continue in its present form and to make the recommendations in this regard.
(d) To examine the need for various Special Pays, Compensatory and various other Allowances and other perquisites in cash or kind now allowed and to make recommendations regarding their continuance or otherwise and if continuance is recommended what modifications, if any are deemed, desirable with regard to their rates, terms and other conditions which should govern them in future.
(e) To examine and review the existing pension structure for pensioners, and make recommendations which may be desirable and feasible.
2. Suggestions and views on any or all the terms of the reference are invited from all those who would like to share their views with the Commission. The service Organizations/Associations/Unions, Pensioners’ Associations and individual employees of the Public Transport Department (formerly APSRTC) in particular may submit the representations, Memoranda etc., on any of the matter falling within the purview of the above terms of reference on or before 06th April, 2020 to the following address.
The Pay Revision Commissioner,
11th State Pay Revision Commission,
Room No.187, Fourth Building,
A. P. Secretariat, Velagapudi,
Email address: