AADHAR enabled Bio-Metric Attendance System – Dopt Notification on 28.1.2015
All CG Employees are required to register themselves in the system of AADHAR Enabled Bio-metric Attendance System – Dopt notification
Introduction of AADHAR enabled bio-metric attendance system
G.I., Dep. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.No.11013/9/2014-Estt.A-III,
dated 28.1.2015
Sub: Introduction of AADHAR enabled bio-metric attendance system.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Secretary, DEITY’s DO letter no. SSD/DeitY/BAS/2014-74 dated 23.12.2014 (copy enclosed), observing that in many offices there is a large difference between the number of registered employees and the number of employees marking their attendance in the Biometric attendance system (BAS). The Secretaries of all Ministries / Departments have been requested to issue directions to all employees to mark their attendance in BAS Portal on regular basis.
2. As per the Guidelines issued vide O.M. No.11013/9/2014-Estt.A-III dated 21.11.2014, it has been decided to use an AADHAR Enabled Bio-metric Attendance System (AEBAS) in all offices of the Central Government, including attached / sub ordinate offices, in India. All employees are, therefore, required to register themselves in the system and mark their attendance. Instructions already exist for dealing with cases of late attendance/ unauthorized absence, which may be followed.
3. It is requested that necessary directions may be issued to all employees to mark their attendance in BAS portal on regular basis.
Source: DoPT Order