‘Expected DA July 2015’ to be finalized – May 2015 AICPIN to be announced today
‘DA from July 2015’ will most likely be finalized today; DA calculation stands at nearly 6%, as of now.
The price of petrol and diesel is one of the most important factors that influence the prices of general commodities. Petrol and diesel prices had increased by 10 to 15% in the month of May. Experts believe that it will have a huge impact on the prices of essential commodities too.
The Labour Bureau calculates the AICPIN points based on the prices of essential commodities at 78 select towns and cities from all over the country. The Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) is an important statistical/economic indicator. It was first introduced on scientific lines with base 1960=100 which was based on the results of Family Living Survey conducted in 1958-59 at 50 industrially important centres. The series was then, updated on base 1982=100 and a revision in 1999-2000 has further updated the base on 2001=100.
The CPI (IW) Base Year 2001=100 index points for the month of May will be announced today. Based on today’s announcement, one can calculate, the Dearness Allowance that will be given from July onwards.