Joint Action Programme (AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS) in Defence Establishments – BPMS
CENTRAL OFFICE: 2-A, NAVEEN MARKET, KANPUR – 208001, PH & FAX : (0512) 2332222
MOBILE: 09415733686, 09235729390, 09335621629, WEB :
No. BPMS/11/CIR/2015
Dated: 17.07.2015
The Office Bearers, CEC Members,
President / Secretary of the unions
Affiliated to BPMS
Subject: – Joint Action Programme (AIDEF/INDWF/BPMS) in Defence Establishments.
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Sadar Namaskar
It is apprised that 03 Federations of Defence Civilian employees(AIDEF, INDWF & BPMS) have considered the declaration adopted in the National convention of Workers organized by the Central Trade Unions on 26.05.2015 and unanimously resolved to endorse the decision taken in the convention to observe one day Token Strike on 02nd Sept. 2015 against the Pro-Corporate and anti-labour policy of the Govt of India. The federations also noted with deep concern about the Govt. Policies in allowing 49% FDI in Govt. and entering into Joint Ventures with private industries for Defence Production and also revision of DPP which will force Ordnance Factories to compete with Private Sector. The federations also noted with concern about the undue delay in settlement of the pending 20 demands of the Defence Civilian Employees inspite of repeated representation by the federations.
Therefore, the 03 federations have unanimously decided the following:-
1. The Joint action Committee of the 03 federations will monitor the preparation of the proposed Strike.
2. The Defence Civilian Employees will observe One day Strike on 02nd Sept. 2015 in support of the demands submitted to the Govt by the Central Trade Unions and the 20 demands of the Defence Civilian employees.
3. The Strike Ballot will be taken by AIDEF on 04th August, INDWF on 05th August and BPMS on 06th August, 2015 and the Strike Notice will be served on 17.08.2015.
4. Joint Action Committee may be formed at Regional, State,Area and Unit level and various preparatory and mobilization programmes may be organized by the affiliated unions of the 03 federations. Unions which are not affiliated to the 03 recognized federations may also be involved in the Joint Action Committee along with various Service Associations. A copy of this declaration may also be forwarded to the CDRA seeking their support.
1. Withdraw FDI in Defence, Privatization of Defence Production, the decision to make OFB a Departmental Commercial Undertaking, to impose excise duty on OFB products and reduction of activities of DGQA.
2. The existing procedure of allotting workload to OFB on nomination basis and as assured by the MOD in the past, OFB should be given first priority for manufacturing Defence Equipments.
3. Withdrawal of New Pension Scheme and extension of the defined pension to the employees recruited on or after 01.01.2004 by exempting them from NPS at par with the Armed Forces Personnel
4. Stop all type of outsourcing, contract, casualization and regularize all workers deployed on contract and casual basis as permanent employees.
5. Issue of Government orders for revising the NDA rates in the 5th / 6th CPC pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.1996 and 01.01.2006 respectively instead of April, 2007
6. Grant of ACP/MACP benefits to the labourers who have completed 30 years of service.
7. Grant of MACP benefits to those employees who were placed in the HS Hrade-I during the implementation of 04 Grade structure by treating the movement from HS Grade to HS Grade-I as placement as per the judgements of Hon’ble CAT Principal Bench, New Delhi, Kolkata & Mumbai.
8. Revision of Risk Allowance in 6th CPC pay scales and extension of risk allowance to left out organizations, left out categories and also for newly introduced hazardous and risky operations.
9. Grant of MACP benefits in the promotional hierarchy of the employees like LDC, Skilled workers, Storekeepers etc. should be granted 1st MACP in the GP Rs. 2400/- instead of Rs. 2000/- by implementing the decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
10.Implementation of the revised hourly rates of the industrial employees deployed on piece work system and incentive w.e.f. 01.01.2006.
11.Grant of Time Wages / DOT to the industrial employees deployed on piece work system in Ordnance Factories w.e.f. 01.04.2006.
12.For early settlement of long pending demands of DRDO employees like Cadre Review, 20% PRIS, DRTC Review etc.
13.Recruitment of Ex-Trade Apprentices based on Batch Wise seniority as provided under Section 22 of the amended Apprentice Act, 1961.
14.Recruitment of Group ‘C’ posts through Employment Exchange.
15.Grant of incentive to Examiners and other left out categories of Ordnance Factories.
16.Immediate settlement and issue of Government orders on all the Cadre Review proposal of Non-Industrial employees of all the Defence Establishments.
17.Grant of trade union justifys to employees working in Hospitals and Training Establishments under Min of Defence.
18.Grant of compassionate appointment in the Defence Establishments without any ceiling limit at par with Railways.
19.Extension of CSD Canteen facilities to the retired Defence Civilian Employees.
20.Implementation of the judgements on service matters of various courts to all the similarly placed employees to avoid multiplicity of the litigations.
We hope for full support and cooperation to give a great success to this programme.
With regards,
Brotherly Yours
General Secretary
Source: BPMS