Grant of higher Grade Pay to Fire Engine Drivers
REF: BPMS / DGOS / WZ 75(1/4/L)
Dated: 25.08.2015
The Director OS (Pers),
Master General of Ordnance Branch,
IHQ of MOD (Army),
‘B’ Wing, Sena Bhawan,
New Delhi – 110011
Subject: Grant of higher Grade Pay to Fire Engine Drivers.
Respected Sir,
With due regards, your attention is invited to the structure of Fire Fighting Cadre in AOC which is notified as SRO 93 of 2006 and the hierarchy
Subsequently, vide ID No. 2(1)/2009-D(Civ-I), dated 26.07.2010, MOD issued instructions for grant of upgraded pay scales to the Fire Fighting Staff as per 6th CPC recommendations
Para 3 of the above MOD ID states that as for the four grade promotional scheme applicable to the civilian drivers as extended to the Fire Engine Drivers, they may continue where they exist at present and in remaining establishments, the posts of Fire Engine Drivers shall be merged with the Fire Fighting Cadre.
This upgradation and merger have disturbed the horizontal parity between Fire Fighting Cadre and Fire Engine Drivers
To remove this disparity some of the incumbents (FEDs) filed O.A. (No.060/00443/2015) in Central Administrative Tribunal – Chandigarh. On 25.05.2015 the CAT Chandigarh disposed off the O.A. with direction to respondents to take a view on the pending representations of the applicants by passing reasoned and speaking order in accordance with Law and Rules within a period of 03 months.
In such circumstances, you are requested to consider the above in correct perspective and issue necessary instructions so that the horizontal disparity between Fire Fighting Cadre and Fire Engine Drivers may be removed without further delay.
Thanking you.
Sincerely yours
Secretary/BPMS &
Member, JCM-II Level Council (MOD)
Source: BPMS