Reservation for Ex-servicemen in direct recruitment Group ‘C’ posts
No. 11019/20/Misc./2015/MF.CGA(A)/NG/86
Government of India
Controller General of Accounts
Ministry sf Finance
Department of Expenditure
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
GPO Complex, E-Block, INA
New Delhi – 110023
Dated. the 5th May, 2017
Subject: Reservation for Ex-servicemen in direct recruitment Group ‘C’ posts – Regarding
Reference is invited to the reservation, concessions and relaxations applicable for ex-Servicemen in Central Government Services (Group ‘C’ posts). The Government of India has been issuing instructions from time to time for filling up of vacancies under prescribed quota reserved for ex-servicemen category. In this regard the DoPT has issued compendium of instruction on reservations for Ex-servicemen – consolidation of instructions vide OM. No.3603/4/3/2013-Estt.(Res.) dated 25th February, 2014.
All Pr.CCA.s/CCAs/CAs (with independent charge) are therefore requested to ensure that the provisions/ rules for Ex-servicemen notified under Ex-servicemen (Re-employment in Central Services and Posts) Rules. 1979. as amended from time to time are being properly followed up/implemented while forwarding of vacancies or direct recruitment posts to this office for consolidation. The non-implementation of reservations prescribed for ex-servicemen shall be treated as violation of Govt. of India’s instructions on the subject.
This. issues with approval of the Jt. Controller General of Accounts (Gr. ‘B’)
Asstt. Controller General of Accounts (Gr. ‘B’)