LIC – DA and DR Dear to All
DA Calculation for LIC Employees
The Union Cabinet has approved 3% increase in DA / DR to central government employees numbering about 42 lakhs and pensioners including family pensioners numbering about 68 lakhs from January 1, 2019.
The government pensioners have been getting full DA / DR and updation of pension as per certain norms right since 01-01-1996 based on the recommendations of successive Central Pay Commissions. And, hence, 3 % increase in DA / DR for pensioners and family pensioners is on their basic pension and family pension. Mr.X drawing basic pension of Rs. 10000/- would get Rs.300/- more (10000x 3/100) from January, 2019. The DA / DR has gone up from 9% to 12%. The gross pension of Shri. Ramamurtny from January, 2019 is Rs.11200/-. Avery simple arithmetic to work out DA / DR. Rs. 10000 X 12 /100 =Rs.1200. Therefore, the gross pension of Shri. R.Murthy : Rs.11200/- (10000+1200) from January to June 2019.
Since the introduction of pension schemes in LIC and banks there have been six settlements / wage revisions. Pensioners have been relentlessly fighting in courts of law for last twenty plus years for 100% neutralisation in DR and parity in pension. Unless and until, the cases are won, the pensioners retired in different scales of pay will get the benefit of increase in DR differently as per the prescribed rates per slab increase based on AICPI.
All know that there is 70 slabs increase from February to July, 2019. Everyone can work out his or her gross pension based on the examples (A) to (F) given below :
(A) Retired between 01-01-1986 and 31-07-1992 /31-03-1993.
Number of slabs increased from 1501 to 1571.
Rate per slab : Basic Pension Up to Rs.1250 : 0.67 % ; Between Rs.1251 and Rs.2000 : i.e. on 750 at 55 % ; Between Rs.2001 and Rs.2130 : i.e. on 130 at 33 % and Above Rs.2130 at 23%.
Shri. Anand Rao retired on 31-12-1990. His BP fixed at Rs. 3500. Rate per slab for his BP works out to 16.08 as under:
Up to 1250 X 0.67% = 8.375 plus on 750 X 0.55% = 4.125 plus on 130 X 0.33% = 0.429 and on 1370 (3500-2130) X 0.23% = 3.151 = 8.375+4.125+0.429+3.151 = 16.08
Total DR : 16.08 per slab X 1571 total number of slabs = 25261.68 ; I.e.
Rs. 25262.
Gross Pension of Shri. Rao : Rs.3500.00 BP + Rs.25262 DR = Rs.28762
(B) Retired between 01-08-1992/01-04-1993 and 31-07-1997.
Number of slabs increased from 1364 to 1434.
Rate per slab : Basic Pension up to Rs.2400 at 0.35% ; Between Rs. 2401 and Rs.3850 : i.e. on 1450 at 29% and Above Rs.3850 at 23%.
Shri. Krishan Kumar retired on 31-01-1994. His BP fixed at Rs.4500. Rate per slab for his BP works out to 14.1 as under:
Up to 2400×0.35%=8.4 plus on 1450×0.29%=4.205 plus on 650(4500-3850)x- 0.23%=1.495 =8.4 +4.205+1.495=14.10
Total DR : 14.10 per slab X 1434 total number of slabs =20219.40 I,e.Rs.20220. Gross Pension of Shri. Kumar: Rs.4500.00 BP+ Rs.20220.00 DR = Rs.24720.00
(C) Retired between 01-08-1997 and 31-07-2002.
Number of slabs increased from 1216 to 1286.
Rate per slab : 0.23% ; Total percentage DR on BP : 0.23 per slab X 1286 total number of slabs =295.78% of BP.
Shri. Ganeshan retired on 31-08-1997. His BP fixed at Rs.9500. Rate per slab for his BP works out to 9500 X 0.23% =21.85
Total DR : (i) Rs.9500 BPx295.78% on BP =Rs.28099.10 I.e Rs.28100 or
(ii) 21.85 per slab X 1286 total number of slabs = Rs. 28099.10 I.e. Rs.28100.00 Gross Pension of Shri. Ganeshan : Rs.9500 BP + Rs.28100.00 DR =
(D) Retired between 01-08-2002 and 31-07-2007
Number of slabs increased from 1069 to 1139.
Rate per slab : 0.18% ; Total percentage DR on BP : 0.18 per slab X 1139 total number of slabs = 205.02% of BP.
Shri. Vasudeo Rao retired on 31-01-2003. His BP fixed at Rs. 12965. Rate per slab for his BP comes to : 12965 X 0.18%=23.337
Total DR :(I) 12965X 205.02=Rs.26580.84 i.e.26581 or
(ii) 23.337 per slab X 1139 total number of slabs =Rs.26580.84 I.e. 26581 Gross Pension of Shri. Vasudeo Rao : Rs. 12965 BP + 26581 DR =39546
(E) Retired between 01-08-2007 and 31-07-2012
Number of slabs increased from 915 to 985
Rate per slab : 0.15% ; Total percentage of DR on BP : 0.15 per slab X 985 total number of slabs = 147.75% of BP.
Shri.Janakiramanan retired on 30-09-2008. His BP was fixed at Rs.23305. Rate per slab for his BP comes to : 23305 X 0.15%=34.9575 Total DR : (I) 23305 X 147.75% = Rs.34433.13 I.e.Rs.34434.00 or
(ii) 34.9675 rate per slab X 985 total number of slabs = Rs34433.13 I.e. Rs.34434.00 Gross Pension of Shri. Janakiramanan : Rs.23305.00 BP + Rs.34434.00 DR = Rs.57739.00
(F) Retired between 01-08-2012 and 31-07-2017
Number of slabs increased from 474 to 544
Rate per slab : 0.10% ; Total percentage of DR on BP : 0.10 per slab X 544 total number of slabs = 54.40% of BP.
Shri. S.G.Deshapande retired on 31-12-2014. His BP was fixed at Rs.49900. Rate per slab of his BP comes to : 49900 X 0.10% = 49.90
Total DR : (I) 49900 X 54.40% =Rs.27145.60 I.e. Rs.27146.00 or
(ii) 49.90 per slab X 544 total number of slabs = Rs.27145.60 I.e. Rs.27146.00 Gross Pension of Shri. Deshapande : Rs.49900 BP + Rs.27146.00 DR =Rs.77046.00
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