Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Preventive Measures for CG Employees – Dopt Order 2020
F. No. 11013/9/ 2014-Estt.A. III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 16/17-03-2020
Office Memorandum
Subject: Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – regarding.
In order to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), some precautionary measures are required to be taken by all the employees and the Ministries / Departments. In this regard, it has been decided to issue the following advisory for the well-being of Government employees and in public interest.
READ ALSO: Coronavirus – Exemption to CG Employees to Mark Biometric Attendance System- Dopt Order 2020
2. All the Ministries / Departments are advised to take all necessary measures such as :-
- Install thermal scanners at the entry of Government buildings, as feasible. Mandatory placing of hand sanitizers at the entry of Government buildings. Those found having flu-like symptoms may be advised to take proper treatment / quarantine etc.
- Discourage, to the maximum extent, entry of visitors in the office complex. Routine issue of visitors/ temporary passes should be suspended with immediate effect. Only those visitors whom have proper permission of the officer who they want to meet, should be allowed after being properly screened.
- Meetings, as far as feasible, should be done through video conferencing. To minimize or reschedule meetings involving large number of people unless necessary.
- Avoid non-essential official travel.
- Undertake essential correspondence on official email and avoid sending files and documents to other offices, to the extent possible.
- Facilitate delivery and receipt of dak at the entry point itself of the office building, as far as practicable.
- Close all gyms/recreation centres/ creches located in Government buildings.
- Ensure proper cleaning and frequent sanitization of the workplace, particularly of the frequently touched surfaces.
- Ensure regular supply of hand sanitisers, soap and running water in the washrooms.
- All officials may be advised to take care of their own health and look out for respiratory symptoms/fever and, if feeling unwell, should leave the workplace immediately after informing their reporting officers. They should observe home-quarantine as per the guidelines issued by MoH&FW, Government of India available at the following URL:
- The leave sanctioning authorities are advised to sanction leave whenever any request is made for self-quarantine as a precautionary measure.
- Advise all employees who are at higher risk i.e. older employees, pregnant employees and employees who have underlying medical conditions, to take extra precautions. The Ministries / Departments may take care not to expose such employees to any front-line work requiring direct contact with the public.
3. An indicative list of Do’s and Don’ts is also annexed for wide dissemination.
End: As above
(Umesh Kumar Bhatia)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
- To maintain personal hygiene and physical distancing.
- To practice frequent hand washing. Wash hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand rub. Wash hands even if they are visibly clean.
- To cover your nose and mouth with handkerchief / tissue while sneezing and coughing.
- To throw used tissues into closed bins immediately after use.
- To maintain a safe distance from persons during interaction, especially with those having flu-like symptoms.
- To sneeze in the inner side of your elbow and not to cough into the palms of your hands.
- To take their temperature regularly and check for respiratory symptoms.
- To see a doctor if you feel unwell (fever, difficulty in breathing and coughing). While visiting doctor, wear a mask/ cloth to cover your mouth and nose.
- For any fever/ flu-like signs/ symptoms, please call State helpline number. or the 24×7 helpline number of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare at 011-23978046.
- Shake hands.
- Have a close contact with anyone, if you’re experiencing cough and fever.
- Touch your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Sneeze or cough into palms of your hands.
- Spit in Public.
- Travel unnecessarily, particularly to any affected region.
- Participate in large gatherings, including sitting in groups at canteens.
- Visit gyms, clubs and crowded places etc.
- Spread rumours or panic.
Advisory on Social Distancing Measure in view of spread of COVID-19 Disease
Social distancing is a non-pharmaceutical infection prevention and control intervention implemented to avoid/decrease contact between those who are infected with a disease causing pathogen and those who are not, so as to stop or slow down the rate and extent of disease transmission in a community. This eventually leads to decrease in spread, morbidity and mortality due to the disease.
In addition to the proposed interventions, the State/UT Governments may prescribe such other measures as they consider necessary.
All these proposed interventions shall be in force till 31st of March, 2020. They will be reviewed as per the evolving situation.
The following interventions are proposed:
1. Closure of all educational establishments (schools, universities etc), gyms, museums, cultural and social centres, swimming pools and theatres. Students should be advised to stay at home. Online education to be promoted.
2. Possibility of postponing exams may be explored. Ongoing exams to be conducted only after ensuring physical distance of one meter amongst students.
3. Encourage private sector organizations/employers to allow employees to work from home wherever feasible.
4. Meetings, as far as feasible, shall be done through video conferences. Minimize or reschedule meetings involving large number of people unless necessary.
5. Restaurants to ensure handwashing protocol and proper cleanliness of frequently touched surfaces. Ensure physical distancing (minimum 1metre) between tables; encourage open air seating where practical with adequate distancing.
6. Keep already planned weddings to a limited gathering, postpone all non-essential social and cultural gatherings.
7. Local authorities to have a dialogue with organizers of sporting events and competitions involving large gatherings and they may be advised to postpone such events.
8. Local authorities to have a dialogue with opinion leaders and religious leaders to regulate mass gatherings and should ensure no overcrowding/at least one metre distance between people.
9. Local authorities to have meeting with traders associations and other stakeholders to regulate hours, exhibit Do’s and Don’ts and take up a communication drive in market places like sabzi mandi, anaj mandi, bus depots, railway stations, post-offices etc., where essential services are provided.
10. All commercial activities must keep a distance of one meter between customers. Measures to reduce peak hour crowding in markets.
11. Non-essential travel should be avoided. Buses, Trains and aeroplanes to maximize social distancing in public transport besides ensuring regular and proper disinfection of surfaces.
12. Hospitals to follow necessary protocol related with COVID-19 management as prescribed and restrict family/friends/children visiting patients in hospitals.
13. Hygiene and physical distancing has to be maintained. Shaking hands and hugging as a matter of greeting to be avoided.
14. Special protective measures for delivery men/ women working in online ordering services.
15. Keep communities informed consistently and constantly.
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare