Clarification of re-promotion of an employee Fixed under FR 22(l)(a)(2) for the purpose of financial upgradation under MACPS
In this case the employee is eligible for 3rd financial upgradation after 10 years from re-promotion or 30 years from the date of direct entry grade, whichever is earlier.
(Railway Board)
S.No. PC-VII/ 158
RBE No. 81/2020
No. PC-V/2016/MACPS/l
New Delhi, dated 18 -9-2020
The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways and PUs.
Sub: Clarification on reckoning of re-promotion of an employee Fixed under FR 22(l)(a)(2) for the purpose of financial upgradation under MACPS.
References have been received in Board’s Office from some of the Railways, seeking clarification on the abovementioned subject. The issue has been examined in consultation with DOP&T, the nodal department of the Government on MACPS. It has been observed that MACPS guidelines do not make a special provision for transferred employees vis-a-vi mother employees in the new organization for determining then- eligibility for further financial upgradation, as the actual pay drawn by a transferred employee on promotion/re-promotion in the new organization is of no consequence for determining his eligibility for further financial upgradation under MACPS. It has further been observed that MACPS does not allow for ignoring promotion earned in the new organization. As such it is clarified that promotion earned in the new organization either to the same level (i.e. level from which the employee was reverted in the old organization before transfer) or to a higher level, is to be counted as an offset against entitlement for further financial upgradation under MACPS. For better appreciation illustrations are cited in the enclosed annexure. The cases may be decided accordingly.
READ ALSO: MACP Scheme for Railway Employees – RBE No 13-2020
2. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
3. This disposes off Southern Railway’s letter No.P.48l/TVC/E/VII/PC/MACPS dt. 05-12-2018 and East Coast Railway’s letter No. ECoR/Accts/BB S/Admn-Bills/4268 dated 26-12-2018
READ ALSO: MACP on Promotional Hierarchy Supreme Court Latest News
(Sudha A Kujur)
Deputy Director/Pay Commission
Railway Board.
(PC-V/2016/MACPS/l dated 18.09.2020
1. Illustration cited by Southern Railway is as under:-
Post | Pay Scale/G.P. | Date | Remarks |
ASM | 330-560/GP-2800 | 13.01.1983 | Appointment |
SM | 5000-8000/GP-4200 | 01.03.1986 | Promotion |
ASM | GP-2800 | 15.09.1990 | Transferred by granting pay protection |
SM | 5000-8000/GP-4200 | 01.10.1999 | Re-promotion (pay fixed under FR22(l)(a)(ii) |
GP-4600 | 01.10.2009 | 3rd Financial upgradation * |
* In this case the employee is eligible for 3rd financial upgradation in GP 4600 after 10 years from re-promotion or 30 years from the date of direct entry grade whichever is earlier. In this ease it is 01.10.2009.
Read Also: Benefits of MACP Scheme
It is also to be noted that the employee is not eligible for further financial Upgradation in GP 4800 as he has already been promoted twice and granted 3rd financial upgradation in GP 4600.
2. E. Coast Railway has cited the following illustration:*
Post | Pay Seale | Date | Remarks |
JAA | 4500-7000 | 01.06.1994 | Appointment |
AA | 5500-9000 | 01.06.1997 | Promotion |
JAA | 4500-7000 | 04.08.1998 | Transferred to lower post with pay protection. |
AA | 5500-9000 | OF 10.2003 | Re-promotion but fixed with FR(22)(I)(a)(ii) |
In this case the employee is eligible for 3rdfinancial upgradation after 10 years from re-promotion or 30 years from the date of direct entry grade, whichever is earlier.
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