8th January, 2020-One Day Nation-Wide Strike
LIC Building, Secretariat Road, Hyderabad- 500 063
All the Zonal General Secretaries &
Secretary, Standing Committee (GI)
Dear Comrades
One Day Strike on 8th January, 2020
The National Open Mass Convention of Workers called jointly by Ten Central Trade Unions viz., CITU, AITUC, INTUC, HMS, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF and UTUC along with the Independent Federations and Associations of employees in Insurance,Banks,Defence production, State government and central government establishments etc. held on 30th September 2019 in Parliament Street, New Delhi has given a call for countrywide general strike on 8th January 2020 against the anti-people, anti-workers policies of the central government.
On behalf of AIIEA from Insurance Sector around 165 comrades from North and North Central Zone have participated in the Convention.
The Declaration adopted by the National Convention jointly signed by all the Central Trade Unions is enclosed herewith which is self-explanatory.
We request all our units to start preparation for making the 8th January, 2020 Strike call all success against the anti-employee and anti-worker policies of the government in general and weakening of public sector insurance industry in particular by organising the campaign both independently and jointly with all the Trade Unions.
With greetings,
Comradely yours,
General Secretary.
Source: http://cziea.org/
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