Revision of Yardsticks
National Federation of Railwaymen Federation
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi – 110 055
No. II/27
Dated: 30/12/2019
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi Dear
Sub: Revision of Yardsticks- reg.
Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. E(MPP)2019/1/12 dated 30/09/2019.
It has been observed that the Railway Board vide letter dated 30/09/2019 have issued revised yardsticks for creation of posts vis-a-vis manpower requirement for various departments on the ground of technology upgradation and taking into activities outsourced which changed the benchmark. On perusal of the annexure to Board’s letter dated 30/09/2019, Federation finds that the yardsticks in the following cases have been revised:- „
TRD (Non-Suburban Area),
Electric Loco Maintenance (TRS),
Crew Review (Freight Services),
Coach Maintenance – Electrical: Maintenance & escorting staff of AC coaches as well as maintenance staff for TL coaches,
Coach Maintenance – Mechanical.
2. While NFIR disagrees with Railway Board’s arbitrary and ill-conceived decision for revising the yardsticks, places below following factors for consideration to review the decision at Railway Board (CRB) level:-
- Reduction in manpower due to changed yardstick infringes safety of not only staff but also to travelling public,
- The outsourced staff owned by private operators lack skills and experience needed for the specialized works,
- Without proper experience and expertise in the relevant field, it is bound to cost heavily to the Railways and the Rail users.
- The outsourced staff of contractors keep on changing, while even small breakdowns are stretched unnecessarily and excessive time taken for restoration.
- No prior consultations have been made with the Federation and arbitrarily decision taken which would cause set back to quality and productivity.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board (CRB) to kindly intervene and issue instructions to the Zonal Railways & Production Units to keep instructions dated 30/09/2019 in abeyance and hold discussions with the Federation for the purpose of arriving at reasonable and rational decision.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary