Upgradation of posts – prior approval of Competent Authority– regarding.
G.I. M.F , O.M. No.F. 7(18)-E,(€o.ord)/71,dated 6-9-1991
Sub.:- Upgradation of posts – prior approval of Competent Authority– regarding.
A case has come to the notice of this Ministry where an officer had been appointed to a higher post on promotion first by the Administrative Ministry and thereafter proposal was sent to this Ministry for upgradation of the post held by him earlier. Such a course of action is highly irregular and objectionable. Upgradation of a post in effect amounts to creation of a higher post. Hence, it is necessary that in all such cases of upgradation, the same procedure as is prescribed for creation of posts, is observed ..
2. The undersigned is directed to impress upon all Ministries/Departments, etc., that necessary approval of the Competent Authority to the upgradation of the posts(s), in accordance with the prescribed procedure, must be invariably obtained before any proposal for filling it up is taken up in hand.