South Central Railway to run 9 more Godavari Pushkaram Special Trains between Secunderabad-Bhadrachalam-Secunderabad
In order to clear extra rush of Passengers during Godavari Pushkaram 2015, SCR will run nine more Special trains between Secunderabad-Bhadrachalam-Secunderabad as detailed below.
Secunderabad – Bhadrachalam – Secunderabad Special Trains (9 Services)
Train No. 07924 Secunderabad – Bhadrachalam Special Train will depart Secunderabad at 04.30 hrs on 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th July, 2015 and arrive Bhadrachalam at 10.30 hrs on the same day.
In the opposite direction Train No. 07925 Bhadrachalm – Secunderabad Special train will depart Bhadrachalm at 20.00 hrs on 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th July, 2015 and arrive Secunderabad at 03.30 hrs on the next day.
. Enroute, these Special trains will stop at Bhongir, Aler, Jangaon, Kazipet, Warangal, Nekkonda, Keasamudram, Mahabubabad, Dornakal and Karepalli station in both directions.
These trains will consist of six General Second class coaches and two Second Class Luggage Cum Brake Van coaches.