Staff Benefit Fund (SBF) – Master Circular Updation On Sep 2019
Staff Benefit Fund in railway 2019-20
M.C No .4/90 Update – Sept/2019
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. E(W)2019/FU-1/4
New Delhi, dated 30.09.2019
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways, Production Units etc.
(As per Standard List).
Sub: Staff Benefit Fund (SBF) – Master Circular updation reg.
Master Circular No, 4/90 on “Staff Benefit Fund” (SBF) was issued vide Board’s letter No. E(W)90/FU-l/8 dated 12.11,1990 which consolidated salient features of the scheme and instructions issued by Board. Since then, a number of instructions on this subject have been issued. The question of consolidation of these circulars into an updated Master Circular has been under consideration of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board). It has now been decided to issue a consolidated revised Master Circular on the subject for information and guidance of all concerned.
2. SBF is governed by provisions contained in Statutory rules he. chapter 8 of Indian Railway Estt. Code Volume I [Third reprint edition 2008] (i.e., RT) & other subsidiary instructions. SBF scheme is functional on Indian Railways since year 1931 .Over the years, the fund, has grown in stature and on date, the following activities are financed out of the fund for’ the welfare of the Railway Servants and their eligible family members:
(i) Education: Scholarship for Higher Technical/Professional education for wards of Railway Servants
(ii) Scholarship for higher technical/professional education of Girl children of Railway Servants
(iii) Scholarship for higher technical/professional education of Male children of Railway Servants
(iv) Women empowerment activities
(v) Recreation other than sports
(vi) Recreational facilities at Institutes and Clubs etc.
(vii) Promotion of Cultural Activities
(viii) Relief of distress, sickness, etc
(ix) Sports activities
(x) Scouts & Guides activities
(xi) Indigenous system of medicine including Homoeopathy
(xii) Immediate relief in times of crisis arising out of flood, famines, landslide, Ere or any other calamity
(xiii) Developing occupational skills of those Railway Servants