Exemptions to certain categories of pasts from the operation of the ban orders issued on the 6th July, 1979, and the 7th September, 1979.
G.I., M.F., O.M. No. F. 7 (18)-E. (Co-ord.)/79, dated 13-9-1979
Sub.:- Exemptions to certain categories of pasts from the operation of the ban orders issued on the 6th July, 1979, and the 7th September, 1979.
Instructions have been issued to all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India vide this Ministry’s O.M. N. F. 7 (2) E. (Co-ord.)/79, dated the 6th July, 1979 and O.M. Na. F. 7 (18)-E. (Co-ord.)/79, dated the 7th September, 1979, imposing further restrictions an non-Plan expenditure. These economy instructions do not provide for exemption of any categories of posts from the operation of the ban orders unlike the earlier ban orders issued in this Department’s O.M. No. F. 14(4)-E. (Co-ord.)/77, dated the 27th May, 1977.
2. After the issue of the economy orders of the 6th July, 1979 and the 7th September, 1979, references have been received from Ministries/Departments seeking clarifications whether the exemptions allowed as per the earlier orders would stand. Although the intention of this Ministry was that the ban on the creation of posts should be total, it has been noted that some Departments are likely to face practical difficulties in regard to creation of operational posts according to approved yardsticks, posts required for fulfilling statutory requirements and posts connected with security and vigilance functions. It has therefore been decided to exempt the following categories of posts from the operation of the ban orders notified on the 6th July, 1979 and the 7th September, 1979:-
(a). Operational. posts in the Railways, the P & T Department, the Civil Aviation Department (at airports) and the India Meteorological Department provided these are in accordance with the approved yardsticks.
(b) Posts required far fulfilling statutory requirements.
(c) Operational and technical staff directly connected with security and vigilance functions.
3. The above exemptions will, however, be subject to the condition that the creation of such posts will require the prier concurrence of the Integrated Financial Adviser acting on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, where the Integrated Financial Advice Scheme exists and of the Associate Finance Division where the scheme has not been introduced. The Financial Adviser will, however, consult Secretary (Exp.), wherever necessary.