Guidelines/ instructions to enforce economy in expenditure and to prevent pilferage’s in offices.
G.I., M.F., O.M. F. No. 15/2/2006-IFU-III, dated 25-8-2006
Subjects- Guidelines/ instructions to enforce economy in expenditure and to prevent pilferage’s in offices.
Attention is invited to our earlier communication vide JS & FA (Exp. Control) /2006-07 /Misc., dated the 12th January, 2006 wherein all HoDs were requested to take a complete review of operating expenses with a view to enforce economy in expenditure and to prevent pilferage’s in offices. From the reports received, it is seen that the expenditure on petrol, maintenance of cars, purchase of stationary, OTA, etc., continues to be substantial and keep increasing. There is a dire need to review the existing mechanism, methods and procedures for enforcing economy in expenditure and to prevent pilferage’s in offices. Efforts have to be made to look into the abnormalities in expenditure pattern to find out the reasons therefore and take remedial measures.
2. Finance Secretary has recently on 22-7-2006, issued various guidelines regarding austerity measures and expenditure management which inter alias includes 5% mandatory cut on non-plan expenditure excluding Salary. It is also conveyed therein that no re-appropriation of funds to augment the non-plan heads of expenditure shall be allowed during the current financial year. These guidelines have also been circulated to all HoDs for guidance and compliance.
3. Therefore, all HoDs in the Ministry of Finance are requested to take the following measures:-
(i) To review the average mileage by each Car, the abnormalities in expenditure on petrol / CNG and maintenance of each vehicle. A system be evolved to keep a check on expenditure on vehicle maintenance. In future, any case of vehicle maintenance involving abnormal expenditure be examined by an internal committee to ensure that there is no unnecessary wastage of Government funds.
(ii). CNG kit-fitted vehicles should run only on CNG. Consumption of petrol by CNG kit-fitted vehicles be avoided except in emergencies.
(iii) Hiring of taxis may not be resorted to unless the same are approved by Integrated Finance Division. Hiring of taxis for a day or two in emergencies only in rare cases may be resorted to by HoDs without referring the same to FA.
(iv) Expenditure on hiring of taxis has not been reviewed properly in the report sent by HoDs. This issue needs to be looked afresh particularly with reference to normal mileage as may be necessary for official duties vis a vis any abnormal increases in mileage and expenditure with a view to check misuse of such hired vehicles in the past. It also needs to be examined whether the mileage in respect of hired taxis starts from the garage of the transporter or from the place of office / residence of the officer. This aspect needs to be given due attention so as to avoid any dead mileage in hiring of taxis.
(v) All officers to personally review the STD/lSD calls as shown in their Telephone Bills to satisfy themselves that all the calls were for official purposes and there is no misuse of the STD/lSD facility. HoDs may also conduct random checks of the calls made from such numbers. ISD facility entitlement need to be reviewed and calls from residence of officers need to be kept within the limits prescribed by the Government vide Department of Expenditure’s O.M. No. F. 7 (8)-E.(Co.ord.)/82, dated the 8th June, 1982. New concessional plans and schemes announced by Service Providers be used for saving call charges so as to reduce expenditure.
(vi) All HoDs to follow GFRs 2005 in purchase of stationery, i.e., to call quotations from reputed dealers in a transparent manner and then take a considered decision.
(vii) Issue of stationery system be made transparent and on line so as to check against any pilferages. Periodic physical stock taking and verification of selected items be conducted by authorizing persons other than those working in such units.
(viii) OTA proposals may be got approved in advance and Admn. should be informed of the same. Surprise checks by Admn. / authorized officers be conducted at least twice a week so as to check bogus OT A claims.
(ix) Renovation / refurbishing of rooms be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
Changes of furniture, etc., with change of incumbent to be avoided. (x) Frequent shifting of rooms / offices be avoided.
(xi) Utmost economy be observed in operating expenditure, such as, maintenance of buildings, office equipments, furniture and hospitality.
(xii) Sanctioned posts and the existing strength of drivers be reviewed. Driver in excess of vehicles in any charge be either sent to the Surplus Cell o utilized by hiring of vehicles / taxis without drivers.