Economy in the use of paper.
G.I., M.F., O.M. No. F. 7 (15)-E. (Co-ord.)/79, dated 16-8-1979
Sub.:- Economy in the use of paper.
Government is the major consumer of paper which is in short supply, necessitating large• scale imports at considerable cost to the economy. All the organizations under the Ministry of Finance, should, therefore, take ‘urgent steps to effect economy ill the use of paper. Some ways of achieving economy are indicated below-
(i) Notes should be typed/written on both sides of the paper; (ii) Typing should be done in single space;
(iii) The number of spare copies of OMs/Orders, etc., should be reduced to the minimum necessary;
(iv) Normally, office copies should not be typed again where the draft itself is quite legible and does not contain many corrections.
2. All organizations under the Ministry of Finance should also immediately take up a scrutiny of the size and format of various forms in use in the different departments of the Ministry including the field formations and suggest which of them could be completely eliminated or simplified and recast so as to ensure greater economy in the use of paper.
3. Used envelopes should not, as matter of course, be discarded. As far a possible and practicable, these envelopes should be re-cycled for use.
4. All Heads of Divisions in the Ministry of Finance are requested to issue suitable instructions to all the officers under their administrative control including field formations for taking necessary action, as indicated above.